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Energy Healing Services

Welcome to Energy Healing Services! Here we have listed a variety of energetic and healing services available to you.  From Reiki healing to understanding your soul's purpose, there is something for everyone.If you have any questions or would like to find out if something not listed is available, please feel free to contact us on the form below.  Once we receive your request, we will reach out to you to answer any questions.  Please read below about the service you are interested in for further details. 


**Our trained practitioner uses various energy medicine techniques with heart-centered intention. Energy medicine is intended to complement and not replace any prescribed medical care. Practitioners do not diagnose conditions or prescribe treatment.**

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Energy Healing
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Reiki- Distance Healing

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. It helps to clear your energetic system and align your chi. This in turn heals your body.


Distance Reiki allows for you to remain at home or wherever you are most comfortable.  It can be done live (energy worker texts you when they start and end) or it can be sent to you in a bubble to receive when you are ready. A written description of what was done is emailed to your post session. You can also choose to debrief after the session to ask questions and discuss what the healer did. If any messages come through from guides or spirits, that will be relayed to you as well. Each session is different. 


Cost: $125  per session.

Each session lasts about an 1 hour plus debriefing time and session detailed notes emailed to you. 

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Energy Healing

Reiki Attunements

If  you are interested in learning to use Reiki for yourself or others, then becomine attuned to Reiki is what you will need. There are generally 3 levels of Reiki to learn. You can go as far as you would like.  


Reiki I - learn what Reiki is, how to use it, hand positions and receive 1st attunement. It is recommended to wait 1-2 months before Reiki II

Reiki II- Learn distance healing and symbols along with an attunement. This class requires reviewing a few case studies with your teacher to receive your certificate. It is recommended to wait 1-2 months for Reiki III. 

Reiki III- Allows you to become a Master of Reiki and prepares you be a Reiki Teacher if you so choose. This course is spread over time with 1:1 or small group gathers to review what you are learning and answer questions. Case studies will be presented to review with teacher along with demonstration of teaching a Reiki class with teacher support. 

** these classes will generally be done in small groups 2x year. If you want to take them individually that can be discussed with your teacher.**


Cost: Reiki I $150/group  $200/individual.    Class last 3-4 hours

         Reiki II $250/group   $300/individual.    Class last 3-4 hours

         Reiki III $500/group  $700/individual.  (monthly payment plan available)

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Akashic Record Reading

The Akashic Record is the library which holds all of the experiences and information from our lives which have lived, along with where we are headed.


Setting an intention or coming with a question, you can receive answers and healing within your current life. Topics such as finances, career, personal struggles, and many more can be examined.  


Each record reading gives you information directly from the keepers of the record which allow you to find healing and connect with your path for your highest good.

There are limitation to what can be obtained in the records. It is important to have a consultation with Jamie to ensure that you understand the parameters of what the records are and if they are the best option for you. 


You will receive an emailed document of what was obtained from the records for you. You do not need to be present for this. Jamie will spend about an hour in the records gather information, receiving any messages and healing any parts of you that need healing. Each experience is different. 


Cost: $125

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Soul Profile

Do you want to know more about your soul?  What do they look like? Why are they here? 

In this profile you will receive a multi-page document exploring who your soul is, where they are from, why they are here in this lifetime and more.  Past lives which need healing or lives which hold important information will be shared.  On average each person receives about 3 lifetimes.  Any lifetime that needs energetic healing will receive it during the reading. You will also receive messages from guides or other beings who are supporting. This can include angels, passed loved ones, elemental beings and so much more. These beings most often encourage you to call upon them when you need support or feel alone. 


At times, tarot or oracle card readings will be included as additional information. Each reading is different depending on what your soul and guides are willing to share. 

This reading is a multi day process taking a few hours to complete.  The finished document will be emailed to you.


Cost: $250

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Message from Guides

If you are looking for some guidance and connection to the spiritual world though not ready to jump into a soul profile or Akashic reading, then this may be what you are looking to try.


Receive a one of a kind message from one of your spirit guides. This could be from an angel, passed loved one or someone else.  Some guides are with you your entire life and other pass through for shorter period of time. Each has much wisdom to pass onto you. 


You will receive a document emailed to you with their enclosed message. Jamie does not have control over who comes through to talk and what they say, she is just the scribe! 


Cost: $40​

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Tarot Card Deck
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Tarot and Oracle Card Reading

Do you have a specific question about life or wanting general information to help  guide you in your decision-making?


Through using the tarot and oracle cards, clarity can be reached and a deeper understand of what is going on around you. A general tarot spread explores past, present and future along with what is working for you and what is working against you.  Jamie has two different decks which she generally uses for Tarot readings.

(It can be discussed prior to the reading which deck you prefer). 


Oracle cards offer concise information on specific topics or from specific beings.

Jamie has a vast collection of oracle card decks including past lives, ascended masters, Kuan Yin (Feminine), faeries, spirit animals, angels and more.


Jamie generally uses both types of cards in her readings to help the reader have more information.  She will email you a document containing a picture of the card spread along with a detailed explanation of its meaning. 


Full Reading (1 question): $75

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Contact us for more information

We will get back to you within 48-72 hours. 

Have a lovely day!

60A Werner St. P O Box 119 Wernersville, PA 19565                 P: 610.750.9447               F: 610.750.9383

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